Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 2 12/23/12- Part 1 DDT at Korakuen Hall

The show was at noon, and we made a couple wrong turns. We arrived only a couple minutes late. An old friend El Generico was able to get us in for free.

Show opened with a tag match featuring Danshoku Dino. He plays a caricature of a homosexual with an elevated libido. He kisses wrestlers during matches & male fans in the crowd to give an example. Shigehiro Irie became my new favorite wrestler as he went to get Dino before he went looking for fans to kiss. It was a good fun match. Couple highlights were one of the guys dropping a bucket (same type as Crazy SKB used) out of the balcony on an opponent & Dino's partner trying to ram his opponent's head into Dino's ass (who had his trunks down revealing a thong).

I'm writing after the fact so I'm not recalling everything. We had a 4 corners tag featuring Michael Nakazawa & Gorgeous Matsuo among others which was fun.

Third was a tag with the team of Kota Ibushi & his fat version Gota Ihashi. Gota is pretty impressive for his size. Theater started slow but ended up being good. They did a great double team attempt where their opponents were on the mat a couple feet apart. Gota sat on the middle with Kota on his shoulders. He threw Kota off towards opponent further away while jumping on closer opponent. Unfortunately, they both missed.

Before intermission was a 4 vs 3 match with The Monster Army vs Sanshiro Takagi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, & Satoshi Kojima. The Monster Army has been stealing wrestlers gear & trying to sell on Yahoo auction. Tenzan had his head horn piece stolen along with Kojima's tape backstage. Fun match with Takagi's team winning to get all the stolen gear back. The Monster Army got roped and cuffed together and taken away.

The semi was a 3 way for DDT Hardcore Title. It was after intermission. It started slow and got pretty good with Keisuke Ishii retaining.

Intermission, preshow, and postshow reminds me of US indies because of all the guys selling their wares.

Main event was El Generico defending KO-D Title vs Kenny Omega. This was a well paced 25 minute match. They started with test of strength! Eventually it built up to bigger moves. The story at the end revolved around each guy going for their finish. Generico kicked out of Kenny's finisher. At the end, Generico finally hit the top rope turnbuckle brain buster. Kenny kicked out which is first time I've ever seen that. They were both exhausted at this point. As Generico was pulling Kenny up, Kenny hulked up & hit his finish out of nowhere to win the title. GREAT MATCH!

Kenny did a post match interview in Japanese. Everyone came out to throw gifts but I had to hurry out as it was past 230 & had tickets for NOAH at 3.

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