Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 1 12/22/12- First Stop: The Wrestling Shops

The first place we were heading was the Tokyo Dome City. During the walk there, we went by the 3 wrestling shops in the area to check them out.

The first store is comprised of almost entirely wrestling masks. Most of the masks are variations of Mil Mascaras & Tiger Mask. They have all kinds of others ranging from Great Sasuke to Alushe.

The 2nd store is called Champions which features all kinds of stuff from many different groups. We got out tickets for NOAH's show for the 23rd while there.

The last store we saw was The New Japan Pro Wrestling Store. We only had 2 minutes before everyone had to leave. I walk out and a minute later Hiroshi Tanahashi arrives for a signing. It was raining pretty bad so we headed out.

The first photo is the mask shop and the 2nd is me in front of the New Japan. You can see the line to meet Tanahashi behind me.

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