Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 1 12/22/12 Part 4- 666 9th Anniversary Show

This is the 1st wrestling show I attended in Japan. 666 is a smaller indie group that runs a few times per year and does some strange things as you can see from the cover photo.

We ended up in 2nd row as that's all that was left. It was pretty expensive but we got a free shirt too!!

The show opened with a tranny geisha girl doing a speech. The play by play announcing was over the house mic featuring special guest Mens Teioh.

The first match was a 5 vs 5 challenge of singles matches between the two teams. The thing was though that they all were wearing diapers! You could win by taking off the opponent's diaper. Highlights include someone winning by biting the diaper off his opponent & a woman won by kissing the opponent and he passed out as he didn't want the kiss.

I don't remember every match sorry. Other undercard matches included a tag with Kenichiro Arai & K-Ness from Dragon Gate , a male vs female match with Yuko Miyamoto & a guy from 1st match (both wearing a female singlet) vs Ayako Hamada, & Ikuto Hamada vs Onryo.

The main was quite the spectacle. They had wooden posts attached to the ropes which I think were grave markers. The teams had Jun Kasai & Crazy SKB one one side & female wrestler Kana with 2 other guys on other team.

Crazy SKB uses firecrackers as his weapon of choice. He threw a bunch in a bucket, lit it up, and tried to put his opponent's head in. The big climax (in the cover photo) is he puts on a jacket with a lot of firecrackers on the back. He climbed to the top rope, someone lit the jacket, and he did a swanton on the opponent.

He got pinned though by Kana as a result of his jump. Some weird aftermath with lots of speeches including a fake Tarzan Goto & fake Atsushi Onita coming out.

Photos are- Crazy SKB getting ignited, 666 entrance way, bucket with firecrackers, aftermath of the lighting of the jacket, front & back of shirt, diaper match.

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