I got off to a late start after a long Christmas night. We arrived at Disneysea around 1230. The entire Tokyo Disney Resort has Tokyo Disneysea & Tokyo Disneyland.
Tokyo Disneysea is the one I wanted to go to as there are things not at other Disney parks. Some of the newer Disney attractions are there like the Toy Story ride & Tower of Terror. There's an Aladdin area, Little Mermaid area, & Mysterious Island area (what I wanted to see most). The first photo is me with Mysterious Island behind me.
I started at Tower of Terror (photo 2 & 3). The ride is similar to one at California Adventure. The story is completely different however. A British man found an artifact & took it back to his museum even though he was warned not to. The statue cursed him and killed him by crashing the elevator. It was already looking very crowded as it was a 70 minute wait. The ride was a lot of fun just like the one in the States.
We saw the end of the parade which is actually a boat parade in the water in from of Mysterious Island. It was pretty awesome seeing the characters talking in Japanese. (Photos 4-9)
There are 2 rides at Mysterious Island: Journey to the Center of the Earth & 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Journey is pretty great. The line was 100 minutes, but they put some good scenery in the line (Photos (10-14).
When you get to the ride, you first go into an elevator taking you down to the drill shaped vehicle. This is to simulate you going down toward center of earth. The drill takes you all the way down to center of earth.
The next stop was to get a gyoza sausage (photo 15). We went straight to 20,000 Leagues with the snack. The line was 40 minutes. I took photos of scenery leading to the ride (photos 16 & 17). You get in a bubble shaped ship and go down from there and see various things as you go deeper in the ocean. There are areas too where you can use a light yourself to see some of the scenery.
The next 2 rides we headed for were Indiana Jones related. The funny thing is Indy's friend is someone who speaks Spanish as opposed to Jonathan Rhys-Davies character. The workers yell Adios Amigos as you take off. There's a roller coaster & the ride that is at least Disneyland. You can do single riders on these two so that saved a lot of time. The coaster is fun & I ended up driving the car for the original Indy ride (Photo 18).
The girls cracked up the instant they saw an American was driving. Of course, I had to really act out then yelling Abunai at opportune moments etc etc. There's a great smoke ring effect out of a statue that they couldn't figure out how to do in time when the original one opened.
I had a fast pass for Tower of Terror so did that one more time at night (photo 19). I checked out the toy story area close by. The line for the ride was too long, but I took some photos (photo 20-23) & saw Mr. Potato Head sing in Japanese (photo 24).
It was getting late so I quickly checked out the Aladdin (rode a Sinbad boat ride similar to It's A Small World) & Little Mermaid areas. I had to get back to Mysterious Island & do 20,000 & Journey which I just had enough time for.
Photo 25 is the Nautilus boat from 20,000. Photo 26 is the Mysterious Island. Photo 27 is the Journey sign. Photo 28 is the temple for the Indy ride. The last photo is the train strap which is great.
The last thing I have to mention is they have different flavors of popcorn for sale throughout the park. The flavors we got were in taste rank order were apple cinnamon, black pepper, & sea salt. They were all good. There was a curry flavor, but the stand was closed.
There's a discount if you go later in the day. We will attempt to go to Tokyo Disneyland to try to cash in on discount.
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